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Craig Dunn Motor City Portage

Portage la Prairie, MB

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Our family has been in business for over 30 years with Craig Dunn Motor City, and we look forward to 30 more! Since 1986, we have been serving you, your friends, neighbors, and families from right here in Portage la Prairie, and there is nowhere else we would rather be. Take a look through our reviews and see for yourself. It’s clear that we care about our customers, and we will care about you. If you haven’t been to us before, we hope you come to see us soon in Portage la Prairie, and to all our current customers, you know we love you.Our family is proud to call the Portage la Prairie area in Manitoba our home, and we enjoy the opportunity to serve a wide range of wonderful customers every day. We see people in here from Winnipeg, Brandon, and countless other communities all throughout Manitoba. We would love to see you next.