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Centennial Nissan of Summerside

Summerside, PE

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Centennial Nissan of Summerside is one of two Centennial Auto Group dealerships offering the new Nissan vehicle lineup as well as Nissan after-sales services to clients on Prince Edward Island. We serve the Summerside community with passion and dedication every single day. We look forward to helping you find the right new vehicle or the perfect pre-owned vehicle at the best price today. We will work with our team of financing specialists, sales representatives, and factory-trained technicians to make sure your experience with Centennial Nissan of Summerside exceeds your expectations. Get the best deal on the best service today. We have all of the after-sales services you'll ever need, including repairs, maintenance, genuine Nissan parts and accessories, and a body shop service to repair your Nissan quickly. Anything you need, we have it at Centennial Nissan of Summerside.